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Letters from Velvet Violet Friends & Fans

A huge thank you to all the loyal Velvet Violet supporters from around the world!
All this is for you!
-J. Blades


"I was listening to your sounds and 1 word to descibe this sound is: AMAZING! Man, keep those exelent tunes coming."

"I just wanna tell you that I love your music (and I say "love" cuz I think it means even more than admire). It was really hard for me to find your stuff, but I did it cuz it's worth it! Keep doing what you're doing!"

Lovely......... I find your song "dark whispers" very soulful........... That can't be said for many artists in this day and age. - L

Dark greetings, Your music is awesome. – Lilith

I liked your songs, specially "Dark Whispers". Keep up the good work! -Slow Pulse Girl

Nice site! I heard “Ashes” today on the rock station. I liked the dynamics and forwardness of the song. The DJ threw out this web site so I had to check it out. I like what I’ve heard so far from Velvet Violet. – Brighton

We heard your song today and it’s really beautiful. The DJ said it’s called Griddle I think. I think it’s cool to know that there are still artists like you today in this sometimes unlistenable music scene. Anyway, we heard it and the DJ gave out your web address and I am glad I checked it out. Keep playing that beautiful music baby! –Kristy

We heard you on the “LA Rock Scene”! We dig what you’re doing. Keep it up. Keep this scene alive!- Christian

I heard the radio show with Velvet Violet and they were cool. Blades was very surreal and very to it with his musical background. - Chad B.


I like Velvet Violet. It’s almost like China Crisis or Bauhaus a little bit. – Brad L.

I heard Velvet Violet on the radio show. The songs were very good and I want to get a copy for me. T.B.

I like Babylonian Tiles, Bauhaus, and Velvet Violet!-Marcia M.

I am not really a fan of Goth but your music is really cool. I heard you on KPRO last night and thought your music was very original. The LA Rock scene is the only show out here that plays cool music that is local and different. Nice web site. – Denise

I have just listened to your music and it truly knock on my heart. It is a shame that your music isn’t available in my city, regardless I live in the capital. Please make your enchanting music arrive soon in Santiago De Chile. I will be terribly anxious waiting. Love. – Scarlette

I am your biggest fan! – Daniel

I heard you on Jeff Duran’s show on X1039. Good Song! – Chea

I love your website and the music. – Julie

una espectacular,muy bien ambientada – Raziel

What can I say except I loved it! – Giovanni

My co-worker gave me your Cd and it smokes. Very good songwriting and music structures. Keep at it. Your talent speaks for itself, and I thank him for introducing me to it. –Jay

Hey I heard your music on KLBC in Long Beach. DJ Jeff Duran came on Gwens show and got to play some of his favorite local bands. Your music was the best. , I think I heard you call in his KLSX show the night before too. I will buy your cool CD. Your site is awesome and I am going to learn all I can about you. Peace Jason.
- Danny M.

Hey! I heard your song "ashes" on the junkie's show today on Rock 106. It was cool. Is your CD out in stores or can you only order it online?
oxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo – Stacy

I think your site is wonderful! I also heard of you via Rock 106. My son is in a band too. Its too bad there are not many famous people and artists such you whom are patient and loving towards kid's dreams. From what I hear of you, I will never stop my son from reaching his goals. Thank you Mr. Blades for your passion towards your dreams. I wish I could of been so strong in my youth. – Janet F.

I love your song "Ashes". Jeff Duran played it on the Junkies Lunch Box. Anyway, I am going to buy your CD on this site! You are cool. –Amber

Your music is cool, keep up ;P –Fria

You have a nice sound.- Brittany

Love your sound – Vampir of the North

Love the music – Dissolved Girl

LOVE your music – Lady C.

Just stopin' in to show my support. I love your music.- Born of Lilith

I loved your music from the second I first heard it! –L.U.

Prodigal sound, its like the eighth wonder of this sable world. – V

I like what I'm hearing. – M. P.

I love the textures in the vocals, I love Velvet Violet! – E.

You're genius. –Aaru

Great music, great stuff. I want the CD! =D – F.M.